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Pintech HA-30K (40Hz-800Hz,30kVp-p) Digital display high voltage amplifier

Pintech HA-30K

Pintech HA-30K Specification

Model HA-30K
Output AC voltage 30kVp-p
Output AC voltage 15mAp-p
Output Power 112 VA
Output bandwidth 40Hz-800Hz
Slew Rate 50V/us
Input voltage Uper limit ±5V(Max.±10V)
AMPL times 3000
Monitor 2000:1
Output noise 20Vp-p
Power consumption 600WATT
Operating temperature and humidity 0~40℃;0~80%RH
Store at temperature and humidity -20~60℃;0~90%RH
Dimension 160x263x332mm
Weight 9.85kg

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