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Pintech HA-8202A (400kHz,800V) Digital display high voltage amplifier

Pintech HA-8202A

Pintech HA-8202A Specification

Model HA-8202A
Channel 2
Each channel Differential
Output voltage(DC Max) 400V DC 800V DC
Output voltage(AC Max) 800Vp-p 1600Vp-p
Output current(DC Max) 65mA DC 65mA DC
Output current(AC Max) 130mAp-p 130mAp-p
Output Power(Max) 26VA 52VA
Bandwidth DC-300kHz(-3dB) DC-300kHz(-3dB)
Slew Rate 500V/us 1000V/us
Output Impedance 10Ω
Output Protect Resistor 5kΩ/35watt(non-inductance resistor) 10kΩ/70watt(non-inductance resistor)

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